Dental Services

Nerves and Roots Treatment
Root canal treatment: It is a specialty in dentistry concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and injuries of the dental pulp and the tissues surrounding the teeth. It is one of the basic biological sciences as it deals with the treatment of root tissue diseases, It is the nerve-vascular bundle that provides protection and nutrition within the teeth. It is an alternative treatment for extraction so that the roots of the teeth are treated with advanced methods or re-treatment of cases that have been subjected to failure.
These teeth are preserved by cleaning the roots and canals of the teeth from the living tissues inside them, and then filling the resulting void. in this operation The root canal will be closed.

Dental implants
Dental implants are the best and most recent alternative to replace missing teeth. This method is considered the most acceptable because it does not affect the teeth and surrounding tissues in any way. Dental implants replace lost tooth roots, and tooth loss is one of the serious problems we face. As the result of the extraction of teeth and their loss of failure in the function of the mouth; Therefore, dental implants came as a solution to most dental problems and to replace what was lost. The lack of teeth in the mouth results in problems that affect the body as a whole, such as deficiencies in the process of digestion and excretion, obesity, bad breath, and diseases of the stomach, intestines, and gallbladder.

Orthodontics is one of the branches of specialization in dentistry that works mainly in the field of diagnosis and treatment of some problems of the teeth, jaw and face. Orthodontics is an effective dental treatment. As it works to improve the appearance by improving the smile, It also works to adjust the arrangement of curved or crooked teeth, correct crowding of teeth and make them straight, It also contributes to the alignment of the front and back teeth. Also, orthodontics is not limited to being a cosmetic treatment, but rather a functional treatment to correct the occlusion and solve some problems, including mouth breathing in the open bite, chewing problems in the event of mismatching of the teeth, and limiting the damage resulting from the problems of the occlusion.

Partial and complete dentures
It is one of the restorative and compensatory procedures for missing teeth, which are installed and removed temporarily by the patient, unlike fixed dental prostheses or dental implants, which are permanently installed. It is one of the treatment options available as a temporary treatment during the dental replacement stage with implants, and a good option for the reviewer whose condition does not allow implants at the present time to preserve the bite and prevent tooth movement due to its low cost compared to fixed prosthodontics, which encouraged a wide segment of those who suffer from various dental problems to adopt and resort to it.

Teeth Whitening
The natural color of the teeth is not very white. Therefore, it is expected from the bleaching procedure to lighten their color; It targets the outer layer known as the tooth enamel. whose color varies from person to person, The main goal of teeth whitening is to restore the luster and whiteness of the teeth, which have decreased over time after exposure to factors that cause discoloration.
Teeth whitening materials are used to remove stains and any pigmentation present in the fine pores of the teeth.

Children’s Dental Treatment
The pediatric dentist will receive his young patients in a colorful and fun atmosphere. In reality, Dental phobia often appears during childhood, so it is necessary for the child to feel comfortable in the environment in which he finds himself. And with confidence with his dentist who takes care of his oral health, pediatric dentists who are specially trained in this specialty will monitor the growth and development of your children’s teeth, It will also prevent and treat various diseases.

Cosmetic fillings
Cosmetic fillings are the easiest and most biocompatible way to repair decayed or broken teeth. restoring health and function while maintaining a highly aesthetic appearance, They are tooth-colored fillings made up of hard, glassy and plastic minerals that dentists use to treat deep cavities, cover cavities, and even repair severely damaged teeth. Dental fillings cannot completely replace lost teeth. But they are used to replace tooth structure destroyed by tooth decay.

Cleaning Teeth
The process of cleaning teeth at the doctor is to remove dirt and suspended materials accumulated on the teeth in a correct medical way, away from home methods that may lead to damage to the teeth.
Layers of tartar and plaque are formed on the teeth due to the accumulation of different types of bacteria that grow inside the mouth and feed on the food we eat. Most of the bacteria that live in the human body do not cause disease. But when bacteria accumulate in huge numbers, forming tartar and plaque on the teeth, this may lead to tooth decay and gum infections. Hence the need to clean the teeth at the doctor begins. The process of cleaning the teeth at the doctor on a regular basis will reduce the diseases that affect the teeth and gums, as it is recommended to do the dental cleaning at the doctor once every 6 months.

Dental Lenses
Dental veneers are a modern cosmetic procedure that is undergone in order to obtain harmonious and white teeth to enjoy an attractive and wonderful smile. Dental veneers are those small and thin pieces of porcelain of the size and color of the teeth. The dentist sticks it on the natural tooth. These lenses are one of the easy ways to eliminate various dental problems. It is also permanent and therefore you need to know all the details of the advantages and disadvantages and discuss them with the dentist before undergoing this procedure.

Tooth extraction is one of the last resort dental treatments. Teeth are extracted for several reasons, including tooth decay, periodontal disease, orthodontics, damaged teeth, dental failure, compensatory indicators and many other different reasons. Extracting an impacted tooth often helps prevent infection and damage to nearby teeth and bones. It prevents future pain.